Hey hey, it must have been quite a long time since... (look at the date below). Hmmm has been a month already. wow incredible, no wonder alice said that there are mushrooms starting to grow on my blog webpage. Well, heckcare. Though the chatterbox has been "X" out by the provider due to significant poor attendance, nevertheless a replacement has always been an easy job.
So here im back again, to the very unpopular own blog, with pathetic daily readers. (Hmmm sounds so fake). Heckcare, heckcare.. hahaha i think i have rot through the beginning of my holidays, and will be doing so definitely. Thats the way, ought to be consistant in doing things.
Days seems to be rather quite interesting, lots of outings and shoppings (though i dont really enjoy the latter one when it is done together with my sister; she can spend hours just in one shop and its really a pain when you see theres still dozens of shops going down the street. Truthfully speaking, its a definite skill that gals outdo guys, with guys no where near their minimum standard.
There i met the very cute gal again! And the whole lot of us went to frementle, her second sister as the tour guide. I got my very very nice bomberang over there. Haha so happy to meet her again, she always look so enthusiastic and cute, kept on jumping with surprises. Looking forward for the movie treat this coming weekend. oops :P

Chocolate Farm

Semi desert

Desert Storm trip, this is a good one! as trill as in the themepark

Farm visit with my cousins

Beachout with cousin

Frementle tour --> prison hunt

Photo with the very big shy dog

Outside train station

I think that guy is very cool, seems to have his own "Harley Bike", glenn will like this.

Junyi and her sisters, very nice ppl!!

I saw this guy twice, here in Frementle, and once in the city: he keeps claiming that he is not a street begger, but 'A Professional Street Begger'.

University of Western Australia, Its really really a very very very nice school!! Feel like studying in Hogwarts (The school of witchcraft and wizardry)

The second batch

Stepping on Australian national treasure, the Pinnacles