Science Park Sports Week 21~25 May
Science Park Sports Week was organised and games were played within companies in Science Park 1,2 and 3. We took part in the netball and floorball and came in fourth in both games. Argggggg, just a bit to touch the throphies. But games were quite enjoyable and funny, now then i know netball to me is quite a sissy game, cannot stepping, cannot block opponent, cannot jump when shooting, sooooo restricted. I think i will just normally elbow and block in basketball games, then SHIOK.
The floorball third game was super funny, its was also the game to decide whether we would be playing for 1st or 2nd. Samantha was talking to Jewel outside and the opponent shot the ball from their half, and the ball kind of rolled slowly into our goal. After that, Samantha then realised it, and mourned over it. Ka Wai nearly vomitted during the game, Bryan trying very hard to score by using his super muscle to take down opponent, and my legs were too soar to move, so just stand in front of the goal most of the time.
Not too bad, earned 80 dollars vouchers at Robinson for the games. And our team name is IA ROOM!! (the room that we slacked in our company)