It was a "fabulous day", receiving special greetings from a "Sargeant". On the way towards Curtain University , i saw a very cool van going behind ours along the Manning Road. It got a big U.S. Sergeant Rank

in front of his van. Then we all realised that the company's name is SARGEANT, slanking to make it sounds like Sergeant. Haha good try and we kept staring at the van for a few seconds, maybe some laughter as well. I begged that the driver of the sergeant van kinda saw our reaction, over-took us from the left side (overtaking from the left side is not the normal practice, its dangerous - or maybe i was driving too slow perhaps). And Then, he pointed his middle finger at us, sending us his international greetings in an offended way, then accelerated instantly, zooming off in a speed that it was impossible for us to catch up (in order to send him some greetings back im suppose.) haha. We are dazed.