Last Day of Exams Marks the Start of My Holidays, YahoO!!
Finally today has come. The exams are eventually over!! Celebration and Fun Time!! haha Today is a slow paced relaxing day. I have met yong and weiling at the esplanade to Draw! Yes we intended to get back the prowess drawing skill we used to master (and that is once upon a time). Having a hard time seaching for a comfortable place, which must be cooling (the only cooling place is of course in the library--thats air-conditioned), and facing a good view (though in the end, i did draw none of the scenary). haha One conclusion after we have our drawing done -- our skill became rusty, and thats quite sad. Nevetheless the library is a very nice place to study and sleep as well. Nice comforting arm chairs, neon dimmer and nice crystal background soundtrack which made me even want to sleep more. I received my Birthday Present Too!! A vey nice Fossil watch with surfing animation on it. Nice!! :) Must thanks Yong and ling alot for searching this nice watch. I like it!!
Ahhh before i arrived at esplanade, i saw something quite terrifying at the popular book store in Jurong Point. Initally i was queuing at the cashier to pay my drawing block. There were two mothers queuing in front of me, with really LOTS OF BOOKS in their basket. The first chinese mother have two baskets full of just merely assessment books. My first reaction was, "poor child, have to do all these assessment during the whole period of her holiday vacation". Then i saw a young girl who came back to the mother, who was named Sarah. My next reaction was, "poor Sarah." She has spent $178.00 for the books. What a scary amount spent on extras.. The same senario happened again to the second Indian mother who queued just in front of me, holding a basket full of Assessment Books AGAIN! Then i suddenly felt that "Im so lucky." I believe that the children nowadays don really have childhood memory, hmmm maybe they have, just that it is made up of tonnes and tonnes of assessment books covering all over them.

New watch! Thanks Thanks!! :)

Drawing..getting rusty already

Style rite? Muhahaha :P
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