MotorShow 2004
A very great and fine day. It has been months that I visited Suntec City. Have to thanks ah yuan’s recommendation and persistence and there we went to the Motorshow 2004. Really lots and lots of nice cars, AND rally gals! Haha yong, xi and yuan kept drooling and taking pictures, nearly flooded the whole exhibition centre together with the other erotic uncles. Especially ah yuan, I think most of his pictures were the rally gals than the motorcars (that’s what he told me, ooops, maybe its a joke). It has kept me wondering what his real motive was. I believed he score a wonderful goal. Haha but we enjoyed that!
Those rally gals emerged to be the superstars of the whole exhibition. Flashes from cameras, handphones, palmtops and any image capturing devices u can think of shot continuously, resembling a 200bpm sub machine gun (a bit exaggerating, but I like that). I saw some stuff that amazed me. A middle age, not very pleasant looking, erotic pervert kept shooting the rally gals. Thanks to his zooming power of his camera, he was able to capture just the face of the gals with impressive clear and define resolution. His shots might consist of some fanatic contents I do not know. Anyway that’s his business, and that’s the job of the rally gals. Exchanging a temporary ‘glory’ with some pathetic allowance (but that uncle should also be more considerate rite?). Nevertheless, they are indeed quite nice looking. :P
THE SUBARU STUNT SHOW is superb!! Exciting and skillful Subaru motorcar stunt performance by World Number 1 Precision driver Russ Swift is amazing, incredible, inconceivable, simply too fantastic. His car sudden braking, accelerating, vertical and parallel parking, two-wheels driving which can only be seen in Jackie Chan’s movie and spinning car doughnut!! Especially the parallel parking, that’s simply unbelievable. He was really able to park his car with a single turn and no reverse gear, slide all the way from the side using sudden brake and finally into a parking slot smaller than typical Singapore parallel parking slot. But I believe his car has suffered some tyres wore after the show :P Then here came the exciting part of the show. We got the chance to experience the stunts by taking free rides from them. Wow it was Marvellous!! It is much better and thrilling than the roller coaster found in the theme park. One word: “Bang(4)”
It’s also a big day for ah yuan and xi, both got rejected in the same day! Haha, their attempts to persuade a Nokia gal to take photos with them got rejected. It was quite disheartening to get refusal from the very sweet gal. Truly speaking, she looks like Alice – very sweet, tall, nice, demure and pleasant looking. But too bad for them. xi and yuan, don take it too hard k? maybe Alice might be thinking, ‘eeeee, how come my friends so se lang one!’ hahaha!

Here we are!

Subaru Rally gal!

Yellow Lamborghini!!

Subaru very cute Xiong Xiong

Another Subaru rally gal!
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